It is my soul’s mission to help you come home to Self + Spirit.

My Purpose

I did a whole lot of searching and seeking outside of myself to feel whole, but nothing (not even 11 days in Bali) seemed to offer me my missing pieces. So I wondered: what if what I’m looking for is already within me? That question changed my life.

The truth is that most people have no idea that a whole half (or more) of themselves is not being noticed, let alone nurtured and nourished. We are part human, part spiritual, and the way I have come to understand this design is that just as our human side must be fed (water, food, oxygen, sun, etc), so must our spiritual side. When we are “well fed,” we tap into a limitless source of love, energy and trust that allows us to truly live our fullest potential and power.

It is then that we can begin to heal.

It became my passion and my mission to help people experience what I uncovered. And to do it in a way that was loving, understanding, helpful, kind and supportive. So when people ask me what I do for a living, I say that I help people come home to themselves. I help them gently pull up the roots that have been tightly gripped around the outside world for decades. I help them hear the voice of the Self (the soul) that only lives within. And I help them find the peace, safety and love of Spirit that has always been there and always will be.

About My Services


    Connect to Spirit:
    these frequency sessions include crystal work, tarot + oracle cards, guided meditation and channeled healing to facilitate and support your connection to the spiritual realm.


    Connect to Self:
    otherwise known as your “soul-self,” “highest self” or “most authentic self,” these practice-based mindset, movement and breath sessions offer you creative ways to move out of your mind and into your heart.


    Connect with Your Unique Path:
    receive healing and coaching PLUS intuitive development sessions where we discover the unique ways you perceive energy, receive guidance and utilize your intuition.

About Me

Where did you grow up? Williamsburg, Virginia.
What were you like as a child? I was curious, outgoing, very interested in learning and loved reading and writing. I was very into ghost stories, which makes sense now :) I liked playing outside, especially the woods and the river beaches.
What are your hobbies? I love exploring and adventuring, snowshoeing, hiking, snowboarding, making art and being creative, gardening, listening to music, cooking, and daydreaming! I also enjoy spending my time with friends and family. I’m currently learning how to sew!
What did you study in college? Fine Arts and Early Childhood Education
What did you do before Cosmic Kelsey? I started off as an Elementary School Teacher - 4th grade. I taught for several years before becoming a Personal Trainer. Right before I started Cosmic Kelsey, I was working in corporate fitness for a franchise called Fitness Together.
Where have you lived? Virginia, Georgia, Colorado and now Alaska!
Were you always spiritual? Yes…but I was scared! I always felt connected to worlds I couldn’t see (ghosts, angels, nature spirits) but that concerned me due to growing up in a Christian household/church. When I go back and read journals and diaries from long ago I can see how close I was to knowing my Spiritual Self! I just didn’t have the tools to go deeper.
What changed? Everything changed when my brother died in 2017. You can read more about my Spiritual Awakening HERE.
Favorite food? I like to eat healthy but I cannot pass up a sweet treat. Sweet and salty is the winning combination for me. I also love Thai food.
Favorite season? I truly love them all but I have a fondness for winter. The winter in Fairbanks is magical.
Interesting fact about yourself? I was a Junior Olympic swimmer!

Reiki Master Practitioner
Metatron Healing Practitioner
Violet Flame Healing Practitioner
Advanced Healing Practitioner

Have questions? I’m here to answer them!


You were led here for a reason.