Spiritual Coaching

Connect to Your Truest Self

I’ve heard it said many times that if the spiritual path were an easy one, everyone would take it. The truth is that unlearning all of the behaviors, beliefs and thoughts that keep us heavily sedated by the fear-driven ego is what’s difficult. It turns out that we were perfectly made to connect with Spirit and hear the voice of our inner wisdom, but years (or decades) of programming has left us confused and disconnected. The ego is loud while the soul seems silent.

I created these sessions to meet you exactly where you are on your own unique journey. Bring the stuff you’re struggling with, confused about or having trouble navigating and we’ll find the most supportive, loving, gentle routes to where you want to be. 

While pain is inevitable in our human experience, we can learn to honor ourselves in ways that foster our expansion and release the stuff that we’ve previously learned to suppress. Through the creation of intentional practices and small steps, the journey becomes more beautiful, enjoyable and fulfilling.

These sessions are available online via Zoom or Google Meet and in-person at my studio in Fairbanks, Alaska.

Please note: Spiritual Coaching Sessions are NOT therapy and should not be treated as substitutions for therapy. Spiritual Coaching Sessions cannot diagnose or treat any illness or psychological condition. Please consult a physician, licensed therapist or healthcare provider if you are experiencing or think you might be experiencing mental health conditions or any other health condition.

Text or Call 988 (The National Suicide Prevention Lifeline) if you are having suicidal thoughts or experiencing mental health crisis.