Choosing Joy

Joy is a funny thing.

If someone were to ask you how you felt about joy, you’d probably say, “Oh I want it! I love it!” Right? Most of us don’t walk around intentionally running from it, but our actions, reactions and thoughts may say otherwise. For me personally, I had to face the truth that I was unconsciously blocking it and resisting it. And let me tell you something: I wasn’t alone. Not even close.

Every time I filtered, limited or altered my expression of joy, I was blocking myself from experiencing the fullness of it.

Every time I said no to something I actually wanted, I kept myself from the joy of receiving.

Every time I said yes to something I didn’t want to do, I told the Universe a false story of what I wanted.

Every time I took off an outfit because my body looked soft, I tossed the joy I could’ve experienced on the floor of my closet.

Every time I showed up at a job I hated, I indirectly communicated to myself that my joy didn’t matter until the weekend.

Every time I let someone else decide my value or my worth I placed that limited-time-only joy directly in their hands.

Every time I attached to one specific outcome I played the lottery with joy.


But all this time, the universe was presenting me with beautiful opportunities to receive joy and abundance; to see the beauty and the love and the light all around me and to CHOOSE it. But I was turning my back and saying, “I don’t want it” by continuing to choose the opposite.

The truth is that I CAN choose joy if I decide to, and while it is SIMPLE, it isn’t always EASY.

✨I can decide that I am deserving of joy no matter what I look like, what I wear or my size.

✨I can decide to be grateful for each moment that brings me joy, no matter how small.

✨I can choose to bring in joy through my work and give myself respect and praise.

✨I can allow full expression of my joy without judging myself.

✨I can be consciously aware of what feels good so I can say yes to that - and no to what doesn’t.

✨I can detach from expectations so I can experience ALL the beautiful opportunities the universe provides.

The more joy I experience, the more joy I call in.
And so it is.


You can’t always ‘Mantra’ your way out of a feeling. Try this instead.


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