Energy Healing Frequently Asked Questions

For many people (maybe you included), what I do for a living  may seem a little - dare I say - WEIRD. I get it. While Energy Healing and other holistic and alternative therapies are becoming more mainstream, they’re certainly not the norm. So today I’m rounding up the most commonly asked questions to help shed a little light on what I do and how it works!

What does a Frequency Session Entail?

Before we meet, I connect with your energy through meditation to get a general direction for our session together. I pull a Tarot card or two to verify or clarify, and pick a crystal that will amplify the healing energy you need.

When we meet (in-person or via Zoom), I’ll share with you what I’ve uncovered so far and together we’ll dive in deeper. We’ll pull additional cards (Tarot and Oracle) and then the healing will begin. You get comfortable while I guide you into a deep relaxation and then I get to work!

When I finish the healing, I gently bring you back “home” and we discuss what took place while you were resting. Finally, you get the opportunity to ask any questions and I will channel Spirit to retrieve answers!

Do I need to take notes?

You certainly can if that’s your style, however I do record the entire talking portion of our session (channeling, Tarot reading, etc) for you to keep! 24 hours after our session, I will send you an email with images of your cards, crystal and any notes I took (if applicable) during the session, as well as a copy of the recording.

How does Energy Healing work?

Everything is made of energy and I have been extensively trained in how to sense it and manipulate it. I primarily utilize my gift of “claircognizance” which is a fancy way of saying I KNOW things without being told or seeing any evidence. I also work as a channel, which means I interpret what Spirit communicates to me so that you can understand the guidance your Spiritual Team wants to convey to you!

What exactly do you do to heal my energy?

I use my hands and claircognizance abilities to sense where energy is dense, stagnant, low-vibration, blocked, or is otherwise holding you back from living the life of your dreams. My body becomes a vessel and Spirit pours divine love through me, which I send out to you through my hands and my breath. Depending on the modality I utilize, I am either working to clear out unwanted energy OR transmute it, which means I am raising the vibration of it! I also utilize breathwork, guided meditation, visualization and more to help you fully relax and receive the most from your session.

What can I expect during an Energy Healing Session?

My clients usually say that they feel extremely relaxed, calm and at ease while the session is taking place. Many people experience buzzing, tingling, warmth, release of pressure or pain, and other physical sensations. Many see colors or patterns. There’s no right or wrong as every individual and their sensitivity to energy is different!

And this works online without you physically touching me?

Yep. It DEFINITELY does.

Energy does not know the difference between “online” and “offline,” so everything works exactly the same. I work on you just like I would if you were here with me in-person, so I feel, sense and see just as strongly as I do face-to-face. If you’d like to visit my Healing Space in Erie, Colorado you certainly can! I require all new clients to schedule their first two healing sessions online before we meet in real life.

What are your certifications?

​​I am a Reiki Master and hold certifications in several other modalities including Violet Flame, Advanced Healing Techniques and Metatron.

I can perform many healing and clearing therapies including (but not limited to): past life healing, name clearing, personal power retrieval, Kundalini clearing, relationship cleansing, cord cutting, chakra balancing, crystal work and more! Read more on my About Page.

Ready to get started with Energy Healing? Click here to book a session.


Choosing Joy


How the heck did I end up here?