The Auroras: Science or Spirit?

If you know me, you know that I love story-telling. I can’t tell a short story to save my life and I’ll totally hold up a check-out line because I’m listening to the cashier tell me about her day. Some might say I’m a conspiracy theorist because I tend to wonder about the “what-ifs” rather than readily accept textbook explanation. Science is cool and all, but I’d way rather hear the Anishinaabe tales of the stars (here’s one about the Auroras). Maybe that’s the Pisces dreamer in me. Or maybe I’m just a stubborn rebel ;)

Either way, the mystery of the Aurora Borealis (Northern Lights) has always intrigued me and seeing them in person has been on my bucket list since childhood. Now entering into winter here in Alaska, I’ve had the privilege of witnessing their enchanting display on a few occasions, each performance besting the one before it. Last night was, by far, the biggest and best yet, and I have to tell you…it awakened something in me. Yeah, sure, science says the Lights are basically explosions from the sun colliding with particles in the Earth’s magnetic field (am I getting that right? lol), but is it possible that there’s something else occurring that science can’t explain? Something metaphysical? Other-worldly?

I ask this question because what I experienced last night was deeper than particles and atmosphere. What I experienced was spiritual, magical and actually felt healing. 

As I watched the lights while Danny drove us further away from the city to get a better view, a thought occurred to me: could I connect with them energetically? Of course I had to try. I dropped into the meditative space where I connect with my guides and asked the Spirits of the North (that’s what came to me) to allow me to feel the energy of the Auroras within me. In a matter of seconds I was filled with an energy so beautiful, so full of love, so blissful that my eyes filled with tears. It swirled and danced inside my chest like how the flames move inside my wood stove. But there was something else, something more than just energy. There was wisdom.

We found the perfect place to sit in the quiet darkness near the top of the hill, where we could see the Auroras reaching in both directions like outstretched arms. I could sense and feel their message to me: simplicity. I closed my eyes and spoke back, having this entire internal conversation with the sky (if you’re giggling at me, it’s ok - I get it - It’s a little weird lol, but here we are). And then eventually I directed my inner voice to my brother. It felt right. I told him I wished he could see this. And suddenly there he was. He stood to my right with his left arm around my shoulders. I could hear his voice and see his face, illuminated ever-so-slightly by the glow of the sky in front of me. “Pretty cool, right?” He was smiling. ((If you’ve ever lost someone then you know about this tragically strange phenomenon where you can’t picture their face anymore. So I knew this was beyond imagination.)) Hearing Danny’s voice brought me out of my dream-like experience. I opened my eyes, still faintly feeling Kyle’s presence next to me and his arm resting against the back of my neck. I looked up just as a shooting star soared over my head. I was floating. Bliss.

The intensity of the below-zero temperatures let us know our time outside was just about maximized, so we decided to head home. It was really hard to leave, especially with the lights being at our backs the entire drive home. But the wisdom of the Auroras and their message of simplicity sank deep into my heart. Maybe I’ve been overcomplicating everything. Maybe what I’ve looked for in jobs and accomplishment is always and has always been present and available in the here-and-now. Maybe I need only to slow down enough to feel the magic and the presence of Spirit in everything, and to be brave enough to stop and close my eyes and experience it, even in a crowded room or in a public place.

Could I be that brave?

Maybe, just maybe, that’s exactly what I’m here to find out.

Science is cool, facts are cool, textbooks are cool…but the magic, mystery and the beautiful story of it all…that’s something to live for.


Do we need to justify every emotion?